Mission, Vision and Values

At HYF we support people with a distance to the labour market in finding quality employment, because we envision a world where your drive and potential—not your background—define your career opportunities. With the help of an amazing community, we make sure that no talent goes to waste!

Empathy helps us understand that not being able to use your potential is a frustrating experience. Regardless of our different backgrounds and opinions, we respect each other and acknowledge the fact that we are all human beings with challenges and dreams. As such, the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is a fundamental value of our organisation.
HYF relies heavily on the contributions of our mentors and the efforts of trainees. Also within cohorts, collaboration is key. Trainees need to ask their colleagues for help. They will not only solve technical; learning how to collaborate and communicate is a crucial part of being a successful developer. To facilitate decent collaboration, professional communication is pivotal. Communication among trainees, with mentors but also with and within the core team.
HYF trainees might not have a lot of experience with coding, but their sheer commitment is what sets them apart and renders them a valuable investment for a company. This commitment is based on one’s drive (the ability to motivate yourself and keep working) as well as pro-activity (doing more than is expected of you). Our program is completed based on this value, with a clear focus on self-study and self-awareness. There is a clear infrastructure of support by way of the curriculum, the core team and the mentors. But trainees need to put in most of the effort to reach their goals.
In a way, coding is just a means to an end. Becoming a good coder will hopefully lead to a good job and a better life. At HYF we do everything with this goal in mind. That is why we run HYF like a company with a professional environment. Consequently, we constantly evaluate the invested time of the core team and assess whether such efforts lead to higher chances of trainees' placement. It is also why we expect trainees and mentors to participate in HYF in a professional manner; to see HYF as a job, instead of a school or a hobby.