A technical background is not necessary if you want to join HackYourFuture. Before applying, please have a look at the four conditions below and make sure that you can meet them. We encourage women to apply!
A technical background is not necessary if you want to apply. However there are a few conditions you need to meet and steps you need to take. The application deadline is on April 29 23:59 CET. We look forward to meeting you!
Application status: closed
Assignment sent on September 29th
Cohort starts on November 12th
Application status: open
Assignment will be sent on December 22nd
Cohort starts on February 4th


Applying to our program consists of a few but very important steps
STEp 1


Our application form can be found here. When completing it, you will be asked for your motivation letter and CV, so have it at hand! Make sure both look professional and without spelling mistakes. After completion of the form, we will send you a confirmation email.
Complete the application form


To familiarise you with being a HackYourFuture trainee, we ask you to complete the explore module. You will want to start this module right now as we expect you to have this knowledge to complete the assignment. If you aren't able to finish the module before the assignment, you can keep working on it and apply for the next cohort. There are tips at the end of the module on what to do to increase your chances of succeeding.


The day after the final application deadline, you will receive an assignment by email. You will have around 2 weeks to complete it. The assignment consists of implementing a website using all the knowledge you gained in the start module. It is important that you take this seriously. We advise you to block these 2 weeks in your agenda and spend at least 4 hours a day on it. The more professional your website and video look, the more chances you will have to go to the next round.


If you do well on the technical assignment, we will invite you to a video interview. During the interview we will ask you questions about your background and motivation, and your technical assignment. Make sure to prepare yourself! We select 15 people from the interviews for our new cohort. If you are not selected, you can always apply again for the next one! Some of our best trainees have applied multiple times.


HackYourFuture is mostly run online so that trainees can join from anywhere in the Netherlands. There are, however, a couple of sessions that will be held offline in Amsterdam. We will pay for your train tickets if necessary.
When am I expected to be available?
There is a weekly session on Sunday afternoons which you are required to attend (mostly online). Besides that, there are a number of sessions scattered throughout the curriculum that will happen during the week. These dates will be communicated ahead of time.
Is HackYourFuture for refugees only?
Most of our trainees have a refugee background themselves. However, if your spouse or your family have a refugee background, you are eligible to apply as well. If you are not sure how this applies to your situation, contact us at
Do I need approval from the gemeente?
If you are on welfare and receive support from a client manager (contact persoon) at the municipality (gemeente), it is essential that you inform them about your participation in HYF. They should agree and support your decision to join and to start your career with an internship (which is often unpaid at first).
I am Dutch. Can I apply to your program?
Currently we are only accepting people with a refugee background. If you are Dutch, you can use the STAP budget to help finance a paid bootcamp.
Can I work or study next to the program?
Our program is very challenging and demanding. While some of our graduates managed to have a part-time job next to the training, this is very difficult to accomplish. Additionally, when you are in our program we expect you to be available for sessions and all other extracurricular activities that will help increase your chances of employment upon graduation.


Our team and partner companies are looking forward to meeting you!